Have you ever seen the show Grace and Frankie? Within the first thirty minutes of episode one I texted my girlfriend, “OMG! They made a show about the future us!” Jenny is truly the Frankie to my Grace. In fact, it’s been brought to our attention by several people.
While Jenny’s taught me the wonders of sage smudging and Goddess Card readings, along with a few things I’m still skeptical about like “eye gazing,” she’s grounded beyond belief when it comes to her business. Her intuitive coaching company is multi-faceted in format. Check out the offering on her site, Jenn River.
One of the main components of Jenn River is the RAW Retreats – of which I happily participated in the test run last fall. Coming off of a very hectic summer, it was ideal timing. Nestled in a cozy cabin between Squamish and Whistler, the tranquil setting was enhanced by the sunny yet crisp weather we had.

Guys, that is me in the yellow… at 7am… in the wilderness.
OK, real talk– I was nervous. I have a hard time relaxing. Not because I don’t enjoy it, but I’m the most at peace when I’m accomplishing things. Driving up the sea-to-sky highway I had this nagging feeling I should have been somewhere else, doing something productive. Alas, I told myself to shut the F up and go off the grid for a solid 48 hours.
The RAW Retreat had some of the best plant-based food I’ve ever tasted thanks to their vegan home chef. The meals were accented by the incredible vegan and local Humble Cheese. Like, whoa. I actually had them call the cheese maker because I was sure it had dairy and I was about to flat-line in a secluded area. (Luckily, this blog isn’t so exciting.)

That’s Jenny on the right. She’s the cutest.
Jenny’s built a two-day experience with just the right amount of active, guided self-reflection and time to digest and sit with yourself. I would hate to give away exactly what makes these two days magical because experiencing it is part of the revelation, but I will say I had two major takeaways:
- I’ve always had the power within myself – but self-doubt, socialization, and other factors have stopped me from embracing my strength
- I needed to forgive myself for mistakes, shame, and insults I’ve dished out to myself for years, and far too often
If I were to offer one-piece of advice to the lucky ladies on this retreat, I’d say bring a book, sketch pad, or whatever helps you best shut off from the world. The scenery is so tranquil, you should make the most of the “choice time” (aka: free time). For me, it’s a book.
Coming home from this weekend, I felt so grounded and there was this immense relief that the world was exactly how I left it on Friday afternoon.
Go meet yourself again. You’re your best ally, biggest supporter, and pretty damn great to spend one-on-one time with.