I find the psychology behind marketing fascinating. If a 30 second commercial can make someone laugh or cry, that advertising team is doing something right. There have been countless studies done to ensure the correct demographic is being targeted, and a person’s psyche is tapped into enough to make them feel they need the product.

Definitely needed all of this
It’s how companies like Lululemon, Apple and Vogue have built brand loyalty, and near cult-like followings, around products that function incredibly similarly to others on the market. One of my favourite TED talks explains this in-depth, and I highly recommend it to anyone building a brand, or looking to get ahead in life.
This study, has hit the broad’s demographic square on the noggin’…
It’s intriguing how basic human needs and emotions can be quantified in order to capitalize on product and service sales. Capitalist, sure. Exploitative, perhaps. But manipulative? I’d have to disagree.
Something tells me that the girl who considers buying fat-blasting pills she saw advertised on a Monday morning when she felt her ugliest, is most likely the same girl who accepted a 2am booty call from the guy who’s been ignoring her for the last two weeks.
Maybe the problem doesn’t lie within the marketers, but rather a weak buyer?
We seriously need to stop blaming everyone else…